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And damn, but he was good at his job.
The smell of sex and leather tainted every breath, teasing him with the allure of her body's responsiveness. She was so stimulated, so aroused that she'd forgotten how much she hated anal. She rode the Sybian with abandon, the twitches of her orgasming body reacting to the trailing crop, both offering herself for the next bite and welt, and shying away from the coming pain.
He loved those little twitches. He loved every flinch and moan, the increasingly frantic undulations of her lithesome body as she absorbed both pleasure and pain, every indrawn gasp for breath that begged so wordlessly for more, for everything he had and all he could give her. He loved the way the Sybian dripped with her fragrant oils, the way her pussy smacked so wet and eager upon one cock while the dusky pucker of her anus took the widest curve of the other, over and over again, as she rode from one orgasm to the next, and all because he had ordered her, "Again."
He loved that he could so exhaust her, without ever taking out his cock.
He loved every rolling drop of sweat that cut rivulets through the sheen of her nubile body. He loved every gasp, every groan, every sob she wept out, both in desire and in despair. But most of all, though he would never admit as much out loud, he loved it when her time was up, because that meant he could put her back on the bus for home—sated, sore in all the right ways, with bruises on her nipples, ass, and the insides of her thighs—and he wouldn't have to see her again until the next time. Not that someone new wasn't waiting in some shadowy line somewhere for her turn to kneel before him. There was always someone else. But then, that was his job, wasn't it?
For all that he might find it at times tedious and somewhat repetitious, he loved his job. He was good at it. One or two or even three naughty little girls at a time, oh yes.
Dominick was good at being God.
Maren Smith
For me, romance and kink have always gone hand in hand. I love strong, authoritative men—men who are both ready, willing and able to leave the lady of their choosing red–bottomed and weeping for her own good. Writing has given me the wonderful freedom to explore my kinky side without feeling ‘weird’. Even better, with the invention of the Internet, I can write what I love and know it will be appreciated by people with the same interests.
Although I’ve been writing spanking romances for more than twenty years, it’s only been in the last five that I’ve truly broken out of my self-imposed shell to explore the other aspects of my submissive nature. Fortunate enough to have married my Dominant, I am a wife, author, Little and submissive for the love of my life. Between that and my membership at three of my local Dungeons, there are very, very few things that I write about that I haven’t tried at least once.”
Other Books By Maren Smith
Masters of the Castle Series
Holding Hannah, Book 1
Kaylee’s Keeper, Book 2
Saving Sara, Book 3
Sweet Sinclair, Book 4
Chasing Chelsea, Book 5
Owning O, Book 6
Maddy Mine, Book 7
Meeting Marshall (A Novella)
Seducing Sandy, Book 8
Single Titles
How to Live Without a Man
Something Has to Give
Fairy Godmothers, Inc.
Black Sheep
Daughter of the Strong
The Diva
The Great Prank
Jinxie’s Orchids
Katy Run Away
Kindred Spirits
Life After Rachel
The Locket
Morogh the Demon
Mountain Man
My Lady Robin Hood
Saga: Constance’s Story
The Suffragettes
Varden’s Lady
The Next Ex
The Miner’s Wife
Angel of Hawkhaven
Red Petticoat Saloon series
Jade’s Dragon
Warming Emerald
Corbin’s Bend series
(Multiple Authors)
Welcome to Corbin’s Bend
Return to Corbin’s Bend
At Home in Corbin’s Bend
Corbin’s Bend Homecoming
Love in the Rockies
Box Sets and Anthologies
The Dark Forest
The Smith Sisters Christmas Anthology
12 Naughty Days, A Holiday Anthology
Confessions of a Spanking Author
Cowboy Discipline
With Hearts Aflame
Masters of the Castle
When the Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle anthology)
The Naughty List
Spanking Tails Vol. 1
Spanking Tails Vol. 2
Spanking Tails Vol. 3
Spanking Tails Vol. 4
Spanking Tails Vol. 5
Spanking Tails Vol. 6
Spanking Tails Vol. 7
Spanking Tails Vol. 8
Spanking Tails Vol. 9
Spanking Tails Vol. 10
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